Will S.Africa be WORSE than Zimbabwe? Load shedding continues: South Africa being brought to its knees?
Video: The Art of (((Mis-Management))): The Biggest Con Job that has fooled ALL Whites everywhere!
Whites EVERYWHERE are gradually being fooled regarding leadership and management. Most Whites dont have a clue any more what real, proper, White leadership is like or the tremendous heights it can achieve.
The question has always been, will South Africa end up like Zimbabwe? And the answer is NO! – Very much worse! And as Eskom continues with load shedding combined with the the plundering of the state coffers and state entities funds, it seems the ‘writing’ that has been on the wall for South Africa is fast approaching. Like the rest of Sub Saharan Africa the destruction continues with no power, no water, sewage in the streets, pollution of water sources, broken unmaintained infrastructure, destroyed health and education sector. But apparently the majority of voter know best!
Incompetence, inability, theft and general destruction: Is the final straw that breaks the camels back is imminent? The ANC government is simply destroying the country and its economy and its not only the ‘state owned enterprises’ but it the private sector too! Clearly affirmative action and black economic empowerment has been the biggest contributor.
Eskom updated the loadshedding situation with a media release on 10 December 2019:
“As communicated in the power alert issued on the night of 9 December 2019, Eskom is implementing Stage 4 rotational loadshedding until 23:00 on 10 December 2019, as a result of shortage of capacity with a number of generating units still out of service due to breakdowns. Eskom will communicate if there is a change in the system during the day.
While progress has been made with coal handling at Medupi Power Station, breakdowns are at 15 200MW as at 05:43 today. The incessant rains continue to impact coal handling and operations at our power stations. The probability for loadshedding remains high for the rest of the week.
The Emergency Response Command Centre continues to monitor the situation and the focus is to reduce unplanned breakdowns to below 9 500MW to enable us to minimise and to stop loadshedding in the following week.
We remind customers that loadshedding at Stage 4 is no cause for alarm as the system is being effectively controlled. Load shedding is a responsible act and highly controlled process, implemented to protect the country from a national blackout. During Stage 4, 4000MW is rotationally load shed nationally at a given period.
Even during this stage, approximately 80% of the country’s demand is still being met.
We continue to ask customers to reduce demand as a concerted collective effort can help to avoid or lessen the level of loadshedding. As we are experiencing rainy and cooler weather conditions in some parts of the country, we ask that you use efficient heating to keep warm and switch off your geysers over peak periods.
We will keep South Africans informed about the status of the electricity system and our recovery efforts throughout this period.
Eskom customers can check their loadshedding schedules on the Eskom website here or through the customer contact centre on 0860037566.
We sincerely apologies for the inconvenience during this difficult period.”
WTV: World Truth Videos
I really like these guys. They dare to publish videos that nobody else has the balls to. They are good NS people!