Video: South Africa: Race War: Blacks framing Whites for Murder

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I discuss the selective enforcement of the law and also how blacks openly and blatantly get together and lie in court to frame white people. In this case 2 young white Boer men are being framed for a “murder”.

I also discuss how this happened to me in Rhodesia when I was 16. I was in a car accident and out of the blue came 9 black “eye witnesses” who lied through their teeth in court and I was found guilty on 4 of 5 charges against me. It shocked me for several years thereafter. Now 2 whites in Coligny face an exactly similar conspiracy but in their case, the outcome can be far, far worse than anything that happened to me.

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2003: Zim: World Food Program cuts December food for 2.6m Black people
Here‘s proof from an old article of mine that the WFP was feeding millions of Blacks in Zimbabwe after they chased out the White Farmers. Personally I think the Blacks should have been left to starve.

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