Video: Hitler’s Elite: The Laws of the SS Order


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White Shop: Beautiful Third Reich Mugs: Mothers Day Mug, Hitler, Hess & many more
However there are a lot of mugs, including 3 poster mugs where you can choose from combinations of posters. In total there are 23+ different variations of these beautiful mugs.

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We study the first translation of a NAZI book on the laws of the SS order. We discover the wonderful values these whites were taught. This is nothing at all like the lies the Jews and others have told us about the NAZIs. Study their actual values and you’ll see that these are values that are natural to our race and they are utterly fine values that all our children could do with. By fighting the Germans, we chose death and suicide for ourselves. What a dumb choice we made. This is based on information given to me by Norlux Bellator in Bulgaria!

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Dr William Pierces greatest quote: The Destiny of the Race
Dr William Pierce said many great and deep things. But the quote that really hits me in the pit of my stomach is this one.

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