FLASHBACK – The Beauty of the United States of America Before Multiculturalism

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Video & Audio: Loving Life: Jans personal discussions with President PW Botha
In 2006 as a result of my book, Government by Deception and my website AfricanCrisis, I made contact with former President PW Botha. He was very nice to me and he began phoning me. I published articles of things he told me about. He was so impressed with my accuracy when I wrote on my website what he told me, that he later invited me to stay at his house for 5 days. In this interview, I discuss some of the things that PW Botha and I discussed, and what he told me.

[From a Christian website. Jan]

“Like Esau, America has sold its birthright for a mess of multiculturalism and diversity. In conforming to this radical social agenda, America betrayed its posterity to an alien ideology which makes White people feel like strangers in their own lands.

“To understand how far we’ve fallen short, we need only look at how life was lived not so long ago when America was still great because it was still unapologetically White and Christian:” – https://christiansfortruth.com/the-beauty-of-the-united-states-of-america-before-multiculturalism/

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Video: Levels of Betrayal: The Jewish Nightmare nobody is expecting...
I also discuss how in South Africa, the National Party betrayed the AWB. In this video I discuss the concept of Jews using Whites to destroy other Whites. But in the end, ALL the Whites end up losing, including those who worked to destroy the Right Wing/Racial Whites.

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