EXCELLENT: Attention ALL White men: The Tom Metzger Workout! – The Day of the Rope!
Video & Audio: The Core Values that Unite the White Race: Part 6: Discipline & Self-Discipline
Part of it is a warrior value and part of it, like self-discipline is a Christian fear-based value.
[Today I spoke to Tom Metzger for the first time in person. A video will be coming out about it. I am very impressed with the fight Tom has put up for whites. Its ruined his life but he’s stuck to it for decades.
I found this very cool cartoon about the Tom Metzger workout. This is what I dream of myself. I once used to drive to work and I’d count the lampposts, wondering how many of our enemies could be hung from the lampposts on my way to work!
It seems Tom (and very likely other whites) have been dreaming of The Day of the Rope and how we’d like to hang our enemies and traitors high! So enjoy this! I was LMAO off at this. Jan]
I like this photo of Tom. He’s a no nonsense white man. I like that a lot:-
White Shop: Beautiful Third Reich Coasters: Reich Family Coaster & 24 other variants
The above photo is of the beautiful Reich Family Coaster. However there are a lot of different coasters. Here is the list of the 24 different types of Coasters ...