Europeans Lead in Every Field, Jewish Brilliance a Myth, Einstein Over-Rated, Hyped by Jewish PR – My Comments


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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: How Jewish Money & White Greed; Destroys successful White societies
This is one of the most fascinating discussions Ive had with Tom. We end up discussing whites and what actually works for whites. The highlight is when we get into the topic of the Confederates and slavery and how the economy made more money when whites owned their own little farms and produced their own goods.

[I totally agree regarding the Jewish myth of Einstein. In fact, I would add, that Einstein must have been the first Jewish scientist that the Jews could really promote in a big way, and they spared no expense turning him into a pop-star of his time. 

Take note also of the stupid Jewish stereotypes since then … professors don't have to be neat. They don't have to be able to comb their hair. They are so brilliant. 
I want to add that it is very possible that Einstein set physics back by way of his stupid theories. He may have caused science to lose 100 years of progress with some of his nonsense ideas.
Whites rock, and the whites of Europe, rock the most, especially in science. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF OUR RACE IN EUROPE. I look forward to the day when Europa arises … and Europa … should be GLOBAL AND WHITE! Heil Hitler! Jan]

The New York Times recently published an opinion piece by its gun-grabbing, open borders in-house “conservative” columnist Bret Stephens asserting that Ashkenazi Jews are an elite race by nature of their superior hereditary, culture and soul.

For sure, there are Jews of exceptional intellect and ability, but this is true for most races. Stephen’s dictation is an evacuation straight from the bowels of Zionist ideology into the minds of the liberal status quo beneath his feet. His inference is the contention that Jewish domination of Western cultural, economic and political choke points is a product of natural selection rather than nepotism and propaganda.

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A cursory glance of history puts the Jews to shame.

When it comes to innovation, no nation has punched outside of its weight class like Scotland. With a modern population of 4.5 million and less than a million in England, Scots have gifted mankind with radar technology, Penicillin, the telephone, the vacuum flask and much more. Unlike abstractions like Marxism, Freudianism and Relativity, these inventions have drastically improved the lives of all human beings and taken civilization to new heights.

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In the sciences, Stephens points to Jews winning Nobel prizes at a disproportionate rate as evidence of their genius. Yet it is Swedes, with a population smaller than Jewry, who have discovered 20 elements on the Periodic Table, only slightly trailing the United Kingdom (24) and America (21) in the race to understand the hidden nuances of the world around us.

As a complement to Nordic scientific prowess, the smallest branch of the Latin-Mediterranean race, Portugal – a nation which during the 1500s had a population of less than 2 million – rose to prominence in the Age of Discovery, helping man fill an otherwise blank map of the globe.

Despite being a tiny sliver of land off the Iberian peninsula surrounded by hostile powers, Portugal had by the 16th century developed ships that shattered European limitations in sea travel (the equivalent of going to space at the time) to circumnavigated Earth and split claims to much of the newly discovered world with Spain at the Treaty of Tordesillas.

The plucky Portuguese had a presence seemingly everywhere, with holdings and ports as far as Japan and India, not to mention permanent cultural and racial imprints in Africa and Latin America.

What, in comparison, are the major achievements of the booming Ashkenazi Jewish population during this time period? They may have a presence on every continent today, but only thanks to infrastructure and discoveries by nations like Portugal.

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The biggest hole in the contemporary race theories Stephens quotes, by delineating Ashkenazis from Sephardics, is that the rise and fall in prominence of the two groups coincides with the arc of their hosts. When Latins ruled the world, it was Sephardics (including those expelled from Spain) who composed the elite of world Jewry in Britain, Holland, and so on. With Anglo-Saxon powers, Germany and the ethnic go-between of France taking Spain and Portugal’s place as superpowers, suddenly Ashkenazis woke up to find themselves in the driver’s seat. This suggests civilizational parasitism, not independent genius.

We can see other examples of Jewish underachievement in the Classical world. New studies show that the Roman Empire at its peak had a citizen population of 5 million, while estimates of the Jewish population in times before Christ range from 3 to 8 million (Josephus claimed 1.1 million Jews died during the First Roman-Jewish War alone).

Jews are purported to have had large armies and empires, but they were largely pastoralists who shared more in common with the Mongols in their violent disdain for high culture and intolerance, leaving behind few literary or technological achievements. Even the Western Wall, which Jews claim is their ancient Temple, is nothing more than the remnant of a Roman army fort.

The Myth of Einstein and “Relativity Hype”

Stephens emphasizes the cultural meme of Albert Einstein as the core evidence demonstrating the intellectual prowess of the Jews.

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Jews are indeed highly overrepresented as Nobel Prize winners in the world of physics, where many of the theories are abstract and difficult (if not impossible) to prove or disprove, but are not very well represented in the most significant developments in the field in the last three decades: Quantum Teleportation (one Jew out of six authors), the Bose-Einstein Condensate (independently discovered by the Indian Satyendra Nath Bose yet credited to Einstein who merely reiterated the work afterwards), the “God Particle” (Peter Higgs and Francois Englert), etc.

The Einstein question thus personifies the problem with claims of Jewish superiority.

The theory of relativity was controversial inside the European scientific community when it was released in 1905 without peer review. Nobel Prize winning German physicists Johannes Stark and Philipp Lenard were open opponents of it due to what they saw as hijacking physics away from illustrative and intuitive norms towards unfalsifiable abstractions and overemphasis on math.

The German physics community’s main issue with the Einstein phenomenon was not just the theory, but how normal scientific standards were suspended to declare Einstein the new Copernicus.

This declaration was made by Einstein’s (a Zionist activist deeply integrated with pan-Jewry) fellow Jews in the press, which critics dubbed “relativity hype.” This both surprised and infuriated his colleagues. A book released in 1924 by renown physicist Ernst Gehrcke, “The Mass Suggestion of Relativity Theory,” recorded 5,000 newspaper articles affirming with no proof that Einstein had shattered all previous notions in classical physics despite the jury still being out among many of his most respected peers.

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Einstein’s genius is the work of publicists and mass suggestion, in other words. Additionally, Einstein did not discover relativity, but merely reconstituted discoveries by Joseph Larmor (released in 1897 and work by Henri Poincare (published in 1898), both who abided by classical scientific norms. Whatever the merits or demerits of E=mc2, it was the Italian Galileo Galilei who first theorized about relativity in 1632. When confronted with these facts or dissenting opinions throughout his career, Einstein’s go-to tactic was to take to the newspapers that loved him and accuse his detractors of “anti-Semitism.”

With modern technology, the theory of relativity has been challenged time and time again. Every year a new scientist outside of the oxygen-deprived and politicized Western academy, like in India or Russia, provides mathematical or even common sense (like mass and energy being interchangeable) wrenches in the relativity machine, at least as Einstein proposed it. In 2011, the highly respected CERN caused waves in the media by seemingly disproving the core arguments attributed to Einstein when neutrinos sped faster than light during a high-tech experiment.

After outcry and dismay from certain gatekeepers in academia and the media, CERN claimed that a cable in their machine was loose and the previous results were not recreated after adjustment. While this incident alone does not prove an attempt to protect Einstein’s legacy, fear within the scientific community of losing grants in resource-starved physics research by making discoveries financial and political kingmakers do not like should not be dismissed either.

Today, Albert Einstein’s reputation as the smartest man who ever lived is bolstered by a seemingly infinite number of books, TV shows, and movies celebrating his life and supposed achievements – far more than any other scientist in history. Jews excel in physics on paper but it was Einstein’s “common sense” oriented scientific opponents in the Third Reich that first developed the rocket technology that allowed us to reach space.

While this author is out of his element when it comes to the nuts and bolts of relativity, one looks at the Jewish spirit’s replacement of reason and intuition with abstraction and relativism in other fields like the arts, anthropology, culture of critique or music, and questions should arise regarding whether Einstein’s similar approach towards Physics has been more of a retarding arbitrary rule scientists are pressured to work within the confines of rather than the groundbreaking accomplishment we are expected to take for granted.

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Would this supposed “consensus” still be so if Germany had won the Second World War and science was freed of top-down Jewish pressure from people like Bret Stephens?

It is generally assumed that the hard sciences are free from political ideology, but challenging the Einstein myth provokes the same institutional reaction as James Watson affirming the biology of race (outside of the Jewish superiority context Bret Stephens and the New York Times has deemed appropriate). We are convinced that Jews are our masters only because celebrating the group-achievements of far more accomplished Europeans is forbidden by the establishment.

The brilliance of the plagiarist Einstein embodies the nature of Stephens’ broader patronizing claims of born-to-rule Jewish excellence: it may look like a diamond, but it’s synthetic like a cubic zirconia.

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Video: Why Britain is the ENEMY of Rhodesians, Boers, Ethnic Europeans & Japan
I am NOT attacking the FEW British who have woken up (past & present) to the plight of the Race. The British I am referring to are the Liberalised British.

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