USA: Twitter: Liberal Incitement to shoot White Right Wingers! – But that’s not hate!


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Die Boere Staat Party
Van Jan: Dit is die ENIGSTE politieke party in Suid-Afrika wat ek sal ondersteun. Ek het hul leier ontmoet en ken hul geskiedenis. *ALLE* ander Politieke Partye in SA is ‘n totale mors van tyd vir Blankes. Hierdie politieke party gee om vir Blankes. Hulle s: Ons veg vir ons Volk se Vryheid en Veilige voortbestaan in die nuwe Suid-Afrika!

[Racial Consciousness posted this. The term Fascist is what they use to describe the white right. Here we have a Liberal openly inciting the killing of white rightwingers and openly talking about war and the need to kill. Yet, this apparently is NOT hate speech.

A Liberal is the enemy. Don’t kid yourself about the difference between a Liberal and a Leftist and a Marxist. I used to believe a Liberal was someone you could reason with. 20+ years of “reasoning” and “debating” with my Jewish Liberal friend and observing the Liberals showed me that these people are our ENEMIES! White and Jewish Liberals in Africa prepared the whites for black communism. Jan]

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IMPORTANT NOTE: How to download Videos or Audio from my websites
This is a note I wrote to someone who was having a problem downloading my videos. I‘ve been quite shocked that there are people asking me this question. I had tried to make this as easy as possible.

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