Photo: Jewess Susan Goldberg is running National Geographic & sending it down the toilet!


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2007: S.Africa: AIDS: Drug Resistant TB: People will die like flies in southern Africa
This was an article I published from a White pathologist in S.Africa. AIDS and TB combine to kill lots of Blacks. The pathologist sent me some really interesting info in this article.

I’ve been getting very suspicious about National Geographic for quite some time, because it seems to have a new agenda that looks like its social and not based on fact. Then the penny just dropped. I was reading an article by Kevin Alfred Strom at National Vanguard when I saw mention National Geographic and the disgusting Jewess who is busy screwing it up. Thanks for that Kevin! Now I know why National Geographic is going down the toilet. He wrote:

The once-excellent National Geographic magazine, now run by a Jewess, Susan Goldberg, is particularly bad. The titles and subtitles tell the story: “There’s No Scientific Basis for Race—It’s a Made-Up Label”; “All Africans under the Skin”; “All humans are 99.9% identical and do not fall neatly into physical categories some people call races”; “We’re literally African under the skin”; et cetera.

Here’s the Jewish bitch whose busy stuffing up National Geographic:

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Video & Audio: What is a Jew? Are Jews a Religion or a Race or both?
When one is trying to educate other Whites about Jews, you get people turning around and saying that Jews are only a religion. But others think that Jews might be a race. In this video I discuss the confusion relating to Jews when one speaks to other Whites.

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