Bloody Jew Book blocks me again for 30 Days for a Boer Video FFS!
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Video: Jewish Mind Games & Henry Kissinger
This is an analysis of Jews at work and their bold bullshit. I specifically discuss the Jew Henry Kissinger.
Video: Jewish Mind Games & Henry Kissinger
This is an analysis of Jews at work and their bold bullshit. I specifically discuss the Jew Henry Kissinger.
[Can you believe I posted this video which is on Youtube actually and is fine there, and the bastard scum of Facebook blocked me for 30 days. What a bunch of garbage they are. Jan]
This is the video Jew Book is blocking me over: Video: Boer Farmer Pledges To Die Fighting If Ramaphosa or Malema Try to Expropriate His Farm –
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White Shop: Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual Paperback
The Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual is a significant historical look at the small unit tactics employed by this elite unit during the Rhodesian Bush War. Not only is it a glimpse back at how the unit operated, but a lot of the material is still relevant today for units fighting counter-insurgencies. This book covers tactical follow-ups, ambush tactics, infiltration methods and combat tracking and more!
White Shop: Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual Paperback
The Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual is a significant historical look at the small unit tactics employed by this elite unit during the Rhodesian Bush War. Not only is it a glimpse back at how the unit operated, but a lot of the material is still relevant today for units fighting counter-insurgencies. This book covers tactical follow-ups, ambush tactics, infiltration methods and combat tracking and more!