Good news or Bad news? Schaefer trial verdict has been postponed to 14th September

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[The Barnes Review put out this short news snippet. I’ve been trying to contact Paul Fromm to get the latest from him.

I had wondered if this is good or bad. Here’s what TBR sent. I’m not sure if this postponement is good or bad. I’m wondering if it means that the Schaefer’s have put the system into a grid-lock for a while… as the Jewish powers decide what to do. ]

This just in from Munich . . .

Alfred Schaefer and Monika Schaefer 

Trial Verdict POSTPONED

Michéle Renouf emailed the following brief message Friday afternoon, Aug. 17:

Dear friends,

Monika Schaefer’s attorney confirms in his call to me that the Schaefer trial verdict has been postponed from today until after the summer recess and will resume on 14th September.

We are distressed to learn that Alfred and Monika (especially Monika, who has already endured eight months behind bars) must go on staying there during the summer recess. 

Best wishes,

On the ground in Munich, Michéle has been providing Barnes Review readers with timely news and updates on the Schaefer siblings trial.

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