Video: Jewish Warfare versus White Race Warfare


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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: How Jewish Money & White Greed; Destroys successful White societies
This is one of the most fascinating discussions Ive had with Tom. We end up discussing whites and what actually works for whites. The highlight is when we get into the topic of the Confederates and slavery and how the economy made more money when whites owned their own little farms and produced their own goods.

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Most people think of warfare as being like WW2. This is completely WRONG! 95% of warfare is nothing like that at all. In fact, much of warfare is actually non-violence. I discuss the White Race’s unique style of warfare which is about applying the maximum violence in a highly structured way. Nobody matches our ability for the Intelligent use of EXTREME VIOLENCE! Jewish warfare is a newer concept. I think we’ve seen a rise in Jewish warfare since the Bolshevik Revolution which the Jews were instrumental in creating. The world now functions on these “Jewish principles”. I compare them and discuss various aspects of warfare.

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