JEWISH HARASSMENT OF WHITES: Pro-Jewish Holocaust Liar crows over the demise of Eric Hunt
Video & Audio: The Core Values that Unite the White Race: Part 6: Discipline & Self-Discipline
Part of it is a warrior value and part of it, like self-discipline is a Christian fear-based value.
[Here’s an article where one of these pro-Jewish holocaust assholes writes glowingly about how holocaust exposers were dropping out of the game one after another. Don’t take all the nonsense of “tensions” and other BS too seriously. But this at least will give you some kind of small insight into how our enemies think.
Furthermore, you need to ask this question: Isn’t it strange that one “holocaust denier” after another “bites the dust?” Isn’t it a bit mysterious that one after another goes out of action? In this article they list some of the people who quit. Is this just an accident or is this the result of Jewish harassment? I strongly suspect the latter. I don’t believe for one second that Eric Hunt quit of his own accord. I had had some contact with him over a period of years and I was very impressed with him.
Eric Hunt was knocked out of the game about a year ago. Jan]
Eric Hunt is No Longer a Holocaust Denier
Author: Nicholas Terry
All along, I claimed I was looking for the truth and out to tell the truth. I have determined I have reached “the end of the line” in the extent relevant research in the central issue of the “Holocaust denial” debate is able to go. I have come to what can be called a conclusion regarding the central issue of “Holocaust denial” which is –
Where did the Jews declared unable to work (small children and the elderly, etc.) sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, Chelmno, go if they were not gassed at these sites?
Through the years, I have asked several prominent “Revisionists” this question. The most common response is “I don’t know.”
Does this answer sound like it would win a public debate let alone get laughed out of an auditorium? Instead it is undoubtedly a losing position. And this is precisely why Revisionists have not and are, without additional miraculous, earth-shattering new data, unable to ever “win” the “Holocaust denial” debate.
I would like to form a team to get as much new information about where did the Warsaw Jews go from July 22nd – September 21st 1942, specifically individuals talking about being transited during this time period ANYWHERE and surviving.
This is one of the perceived holes in the Revisionist case and if we can help plug it up more than has been done by Mattogno, Graf, Kues, it will do a great service to our cause. In fact if we could get enough information it’d be all over for the Treblinka hoax.
Holocaust researcher Roberto Muehlenkamp’s offer of a financial reward for proof of one Jew transited to the “Russian East”, stopping at Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor is out there for anyone who can find even one Jew out of the approximately 1.5 million alleged “transited” through Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor that fits the proposed Revisionist “transit camp theory.” This potent challenge is proof of how strong the accepted history is and how phenomenally weak and untenable the Revisionist / denier “transit camp” theory is.
- The Sonderkommando photographs from Krema V
- The Sonderkommando photographs of open air incinerations at Auschwitz
- Revisionist forgery allegations about the Sonderkommando photographs
- Polish investigations of Treblinka in 1945
- Gas introduction holes in the Birkenau gas chambers
- John Ball’s forgery claims regarding the Auschwitz aerial photos
Recently, some involved with the production of Revisionist material have promoted the concept of a literal “flat earth.” Yes, really. That the earth is not round, but is actually flat. Deborah Lipstadt must love that. In particular, Sinead McCarthy, chosen as a narrator by Germar Rudolf for a video for his Holocaust Handbooks series believes the earth is flat. McCarthy was involved with the creation of a series of videos, articles, and internet radio shows promoting the concept of a literal flat earth. Since then, McCarthy has appeared in videos and filmed supposed “earth curvature experiments” affirming her belief that the earth is literally flat.
Before seeing evidence of McCarthy being completely unhinged, I originally thought McCarthy would make a good narrator for my “Questioning” video. I wanted a female narrator to make the subject more approachable. With a background in singing, she had a pleasing voice. McCarthy narrated Kyle Hunt’s “Hellstorm” video. Evidence of McCarthy being completely being unhinged started to emerge, such as the following audio clip.
After only recording the first few minutes of “Questioning The Holocaust : Why We Believed” I was exposed to a video of McCarthy vehemently proclaiming the earth is literally flat. Eric Dubay, a literal flat earther, apparently persuaded her. It was as disturbing and as as unhinged as the video above. I told McCarthy I could never be associated with Lipstadt’s dream of associating literal flat earthers with “Revisionism.” That and other embarrassing videos of McCarthy’s promoting her own belief in a literal flat earth have since been deleted, although traces remain.
In spite of warning Germar Rudolf of Sinead McCarthy’s flat earth absurdity, Rudolf decided to go ahead and have someone who believed and promoted the concept of a flat earth, Sinead McCarthy herself, narrate the following “scholarly” video for his Holocaust Handbooks series.
Dr. Kevin MacDonald, on the other hand, who even testified at the David Irving / Deborah Lipstadt libel trial, has smartly stayed away from denying Nazi mass murders. MacDonald’s work on Jewish subversive movements in the West as a group evolutionary strategy is highly successful and persuasive, and his leadership within the growing “alt-right” movement has shown real signs of bearing fruit. MacDonald has blazed a pathway to success for those who care about the same things as Revisionists / deniers without denying the Nazis mass murdered Jews.
In many ways I feel the “denial” issue held me back from tackling other issues essential to the survival of Western Civilization. Especially Nationalism, race realism, and opposing the very real Jewish-led white genocide campaign.
‘E’s not pinin’! ‘E’s passed on! This revisionist is no more! He has ceased to be! ‘E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed ‘im to the perch ‘e’d be pushing up the daisies! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘E’s off the twig! ‘E’s kicked the bucket, ‘e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-REVISIONIST!!
S.Africa: Animal sex: Black man arrested, goat dies
The Goats were screaming! Villagers at Ga-Ratisi in the Northern Province holding an all-night vigil arrested a naked man early on Sunday morning, who is believed to have committed bestiality with a goat which later died.