Vikings arise: Swedes protest outside Parliament against Immigrant invaders – Mass Media HIDES the story!


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S.Africa: Oprahs Embarrassing Girls school could end up expelling more
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[It is excellent to see whites getting firmer. Its awesome hearing the Swedes speaking about the IMPOSTERS running their country! Every white country has been hijacked … by the enemies of our race! I really like this speech and what was said.

Just as important, is the fact that this speech was NOT REPORTED IN THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA!

This is like stupid Jew-controlled Britain, where even Americans and Canadians are banned from entering it (e.g. Paul Fromm and several others). This should show you the massive opposition that the elite/ruling scum have to whites who standing up for their own race and even their own nations.

Whites EVERYWHERE are in trouble.

I like the idea of the “Inner Vikings” coming out. Sweden used to be a very kick-ass nation just a few centuries ago! There used to be a Swedish Empire and the Swedes knew how to kick ass!! But the Vikings would be even better … yes. It is time for whites everywhere to begin working together. Those who believe that our race must die … should themselves be dealt with, the way that our race has always treated TRAITORS! 14/88 Jan]

Around 1000 people participated in the 3-hour-long event outside the Swedish Parliament on Sunday.

Several speakers participated, including Sweden’s most active and well-known journalist and freedom fighter Katerina Janouch, Reader in Business Administration Jan Tullberg, and lecturer and writer Lennart Matikainen.

Janouch stated that Sweden has gone from being a model country to a country that doesn’t care about its own citizens.

“The billions flow and no one is held accountable. Sweden is run by a bunch of imposters who abuse their power and don’t care about our well-being.”

“Criticism of mass migration may be silenced by the agreement. We must stand up for free speech. It is time to bring out our inner Vikings, to ignore political correctness and become even braver and clearer in how we speak and express ourselves”, she said.

Tullberg mentioned the Dublin Regulation which states that refugees should claim asylum upon arrival in the first safe country – something the Migration Pact clearly ignores.

He also criticised environmental destruction as grounds for asylum, since it basically means that people who neglect and destroy their country’s environment are rewarded rather than punished.

Matikainen argued that the Pact is full of rights – but contains no obligations.

Strangely enough, there were no left-wing counter-protesters present. Perhaps even Antifa have realised that Sweden has major problems.

At the end of the demonstration the Swedish national anthem was sung. No Swedish mainstream media has reported the event.


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